B.K.S. Studio

Welcome to our Best Kept Secret


If you are reading this page probably you know who I am, what I’ve been doing and where I am from. Probably you have heard or even visited one of the many spots where I had set my roots to search for that perfect beat. When I look back, there are so many feelings with the locations one’s occupied in a lifetime, but clearly my mind goes to that incredible place in Pigneto where I spent twelve incredibile years of my life together with Francesco De Bellis, Mario Pierro and then Valerio Delphi, Raffaele Martirani, Lorenzo Ceccotti etc to name a few.  

See, my generation (proudly X) has always looked for a space where you could make music and share your ideas with other people, and possibly have a space where no one would interfere and where you could be loud twentyfour hours a day. A place where your existence would melt with your own creativity, where you could express yourself without any limitations. Pigneto studio was one of those places. Surrounded by a vibrant and changing Roman district about to blow up, we have created endless ideas and established an impossible number of connections, when the internet was only starting to take over the society. 

Things changed and so we had to move on when the Pigneto district became extremely popular and commercial and we all went separate ways, still managing to keep the family vibe alive somehow. But it has been different. New spaces, new distances and then the internet communication / social / collaborative network. Can’t complain, things still worked but somehow something has been missing. This feeling of “everything possible due to the network” never really filled the gap of the human interaction that only a physical place could give. So, I never stopped dreaming about a hub, a spaceship where things can happen physically. It would take an entire book to tell how we got here, especially since this happened thru the abrupt interruption of our life called “pandemic”, but fuck yeah it’s 2023 and I’m writing from a new space called B.K.S. (Best Kept Secret) which is officially the new and definitive space where the creativity will have his physical home, and where the dream of a collective creative experience is still possible. Me and Valerio Delphi found ourselves in a position to jump into this crazy adventure and we took the opportunity because we personally know what’s the meaning of sitting together somewhere, without interferences, and let the creativity chase a journey. We were barely unknown to each others when the Pigneto rooms gave us the opportunity to write down the first Tiger & Woods sketches. 

What’s gonna happen here we don’t know, but we know that we have the space, we have the gears, we have the ideas. It could be a record, it could be a dj mix, it could be a dinner … we’re here and hope to involve more and more people in a studio experience journey with us. 


Marco Passarani
